The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is every well-known broadcaster. It is owned by the British government, and broadcasts on radio and television. It was founded in 1922 by a group of radio manufacturers including Guglielmo Marconi, the great Italian radio pioneer. Its first broadcast on 14th November could only be heard in London. At the time, it could only new programmers afrer 7 pm so as not to compete with newspapers.
1934 was an important year for the BBC. It launched the BBc Empire Service, and began broadcasting overseas. By the time, the BBC was broadcasting plays specially written by some of the most famous playwrights in Europe and even had its own Symphony Orchestra.
Television broadcasts began in 1936 and were only interrupted during the Second World War. At first, the new medium was not very popular due to the price of television sets. But as TV sets got cheaper, television became more and more popular. The 1950s saw the start of many popular TV programmers that are still going today. These include The Arches, the longest running radio soap in the world, and Blue Peter, a popular children’s programme.
By the 1970s, the BBC consisted of four UK radio ststions, the BBC World Serviceand two television channels. It was world famous for the standard of its journalism as well as the drama, documentary and comedy programmes which it carried on television.
Many technological innovations have been made by the BBC. In the 1990s, it began to experiment with digital television broadcasting and new interactive technology. The BBC is one of the most important broadcasting organizations in the world.
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